Razor Blade
Odds are, you’ve used …a lot of them – for one reason or another. Razor blades are synonymous with sharpness, hygiene, and mental health, but how sharp are they really? As part of our set on different blades, we’ll explore the finer points of sharpness, starting with a dual-edged razor.
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Dual-edged Razor Blade
When I first started imaging the razor blade, I’d figured that a front-on view of the blade would yield the best results. Unfortunately, the blade was so phenomenally straight that it was hard to make out the cutting edge, and just how sharp it was. I ended up having to reposition the sample to view it from the side.
I was surprised to find that the cutting edge had tendril-like features that originated at the cutting edge, and slowly worked their way back towards the body of the razor. If you view the image at the top of this post, you’ll see that the area we focused on actually had a dulled cutting edge – this was because the fresh blade was so sharp that there was nothing to see! It was just flat all the way to the edge! Incredible, isn’t it?
Instead, I decided to focus on the leading edge and get a close-up shot of those tendril-like features and the imperfections in the metal. If I could do it over, I would have included a shot where you can see the sharp edge go dull, but maybe I’ll grab that in a future session.
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